Well It seems 2008 was a fairly good year for me. But will 2009 be just as good?
Like many people on newgrounds im fairly new to flash. And like many new starters my first flahes were poorly animated stickmen fighting, but eventually you do grow out of them. Then in every flash creators life they choose either games or movies. I am slipping towards game creation at the mo as I am not such a 'fluid' animator, although I can be if I can be bothered to put some time in.
I have released 7 games / movies now since Late 2007 and if we take an average of all their scores my projects are getting a score of:
Hoorah, aint it?
Anywho, if in one year I can go from blams to great scores, then I think that this year I can hopefully develop at least one game or movie that branches into the 'Awesome' zone. Hopefully; Maybe.
My first attempt will be one of two game ideas that I will begin creating soon.
Happy new year all and gd luck to all of us beginners out there,
Impossible Quiz Tribute #2 perhaps?
In the maybe pile.