A tad too long... But it was hilarious and excellent :D
Alvin as always was awesome, but so was everyone else O.o
The last part was my fav xD
A tad too long... But it was hilarious and excellent :D
Alvin as always was awesome, but so was everyone else O.o
The last part was my fav xD
lol reminded me of towelie... Till the end >.<
ha that was pretty funny xD
But I thought the ending was really messed up lol
Funny, but still messed up lol :P
Hey dude its -Bob
Bout time you put this out into the open!
Cant wait for the finished movie and the 3D effects and all that stuff are awesome! The only downside is the voice acting. I dont like it very much :l
But hey its only a minor set back and I wish u all the best with finishing this! One last question, how many chapters do you reckon you will be putting in?
there's no 3D objects in it. Most of it is traced or done out of imgaination.
There's 5 chapters.
Not bad...
All your moves either lack power or anticipation though...
Also, the movements are unrealistic and dont flow very well in some cases.
But it does give some basic positions and tips that some people may find useful... I was just after something a bit more advanced...
Dude I dont usually like Tankmen animations... But this is the exception!
LOL It was so funny and the animation was great!
At the end, poor steve lmao...
Cant stop laughing xD
Well for your first its not bad...
But heres what it need:
- Sound FX
- Music
- More realistic movements
- Not so much fighting "in the air" - have ground poses and punch ups etc...
Hope your next will be better.
Did you honestly draw that stuff? Just looked like a photo too me.
Also, there wasnt enough movement, just dialogue... It wasnt interesting enough and then punchline at the end (if it was intended to be a pun/joke) wasnt spectacular...
Just work on animation and gags and then you can submit something better :]
mmmm :l
Too many blurs/glows/slow motion...
You need more fast paced action... Having a whole short like this done in slow-mo isnt really amazing...
Keep trying though...
I'm better now than two months ago :P
lol :D
AH It was very good :]
It would of been nice to see a bit more movement with each charcter... but I understand that full body is hard (if you ever saw my attempts... whoa... embarrassing lol).
The art work was nice and the moral is true... Macs are better, coz they're shinier.
Fav bit -
Penguin: I'm a penguin.
lol xD
Well done dude and I hope to see more from you in the future!
(Now because I didn't say something like "ZOMG!!!111 THAT WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME111111!!!" I will probably get this marked as a 'useless' review...)
Cya ^^
I see a helpful down there, so success! And yeah, movement is the one thing this thing is missing... but then again, the commercials this parodizes don't involve much movement either, so I don't see this as being a bad thing. Mac probably should've moved more. Ah well, it happens. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Haven't seen iron man but...
absolutley hilarious xD
I loved the speed of it all and you did it man it was definatley a funny parody xD
lolololol still laughing here xD
And the best part was it wasn't the same gag over and over...
It was the little things like: "whoa" and "B-" for the drawing (personally I think he should of got a C- xD) and screw that! and things like his house wobling on a spike and all the effects made by you...
fantastic... ^^
nice job...
please make more parodies dude :]
Age 32, Male
Games Developer
England, UK
Joined on 5/14/07